Evangelical Bible Church
The Evangelical Bible Church in Dallas, Oregon, is not the first church that we've helped with a new website. We've created several throughout the U.S. and Canada. Most small churches share common needs to describe their ministry, publish church news, advertise coming events, and playback audio/video recordings of previous church sermons. For many of these churches, we build upon a baseline theme we created with these common features cooked-in, and then add customizations for each unique church. The Evangelical Bible Church was no exception. We found that the Evangelical Bible Church was a perfect fit for this application.
The Evangelical Bible Church website serves two audiences. The first is the congregation itself. They wish to keep abreast of the latest church news, events, sermon replays, and leadership announcements. They are the insiders.
The second audience consist of those folks in the surrounding community. They are the outsiders who may be considering attending the church. They want to learn of the service times, the leadership team and their positions on Biblical doctrine, whether the church has childcare, and perhaps sample a sermon replay — all before stepping in the door. Our solution benefited both audiences.
Benefits We Provided:
- A flexible design so that users can easily view the website on their computers, tablets or phones.
- An area to publish news articles supplementing church bulletin announcements.
- An easy mechanism to upload, document, and publish audio and video sermon recordings. Users can download original sermon notes, audio, and video recordings for offline playback.
- An events calendar where coming church activities are advertised. Events are fully described to include photos, place and time, organizer contact information, and address and map.
- Social media buttons through which users can share and promote articles and pages with Facebook and Twitter friends.
- Contact form(s) configured with anti-spam preventative measures.